Kukeleku is a stop-motion short film created during the Aardman Academy In-Studio course in 2024 at Aardman in Bristol. Over seven months of production, I focused on puppet animation, incorporating effects animated on a multiplane. The story follows Nugget, a young, voiceless rooster who discovers a squeaky toy and uses it to fake his crow. This project combines careful craftsmanship with creative techniques to tell Nugget's heartfelt story about self-acceptance.
Direction & Animation: Jelle Janssen
Title Design: D. Forest Gamble
Music & Sound Design by NOZEM Audio: Jeroen Jaspers, Bas van Win
5.1 Upmix: Niek Beemsterboer
Title Design: D. Forest Gamble
Music & Sound Design by NOZEM Audio: Jeroen Jaspers, Bas van Win
5.1 Upmix: Niek Beemsterboer
HOD Aardman Academy: Mark Simon Hewis
In-Studio Producer: Vanessa Batten
Academy Producer: Katie Daniels
Academy Producer: Rachel Plant
SM1 & SM2 Course Lead: Stuart Messinger
Academy Coordinator: Jodie Partington
Academy PA: Amy Upchurch
In-Studio Producer: Vanessa Batten
Academy Producer: Katie Daniels
Academy Producer: Rachel Plant
SM1 & SM2 Course Lead: Stuart Messinger
Academy Coordinator: Jodie Partington
Academy PA: Amy Upchurch
Cinematography & Motion Control: George Milburn, Nat Sale
Senior Studio Support Technician: Adam Cook
Studio System Support Assistant: Adam Hanney
Studio System Support Engineer: Will Marshall
Senior Studio Support Technician: Adam Cook
Studio System Support Assistant: Adam Hanney
Studio System Support Engineer: Will Marshall
StopTrik International Film Festival, Slovenia & Poland (2024)
ANIMA - Córdoba International Animation Festival, Argentina (2024)
Animation Nation, Singapore (2024)
Platforma BD - International Cluj Comics, Illustration and Animation Festival, Romania (2024)
Manchester Animation Festival, United Kingdom (2024)
ICONA - Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival, Greece (2024)
ANIMA - Córdoba International Animation Festival, Argentina (2024)
Animation Nation, Singapore (2024)
Platforma BD - International Cluj Comics, Illustration and Animation Festival, Romania (2024)
Manchester Animation Festival, United Kingdom (2024)
ICONA - Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival, Greece (2024)